Fractious times.
I’m finding it a peculiarly moving to be in Ypres this evening. I’ve been here a number of times before and I have connections with this place. My grandad fought all the way across Flanders and was engaged in all the major battles of the First World War. Just before my father (also a soldier) died I came and watched the Menin gate ceremony and I filmed it for him as he’d never actually seen it himself. I am the first generation in 100 years who’s not been a regular soldier and I still feel the great affinity for the military. I grew up listening to military bands playing and they still make me feel at home.
The respectful ceremony taking place in this city tonight seems strangely out of step with the current political situation in the UK and other European countries.
Many have huge factions that want to tear themselves away from the EU, an organisation set up to promote easy trade, European unity and prevent wars on the continent. We are certainly living in fractious times.
JW. Sept 2019