What a strange old world eh?!
Here I am halfway up a hill in the German countryside contemplating the future of Europe! Actually, I’m at present extremely hungry having had a energising walk. Now what I really fancy is a monstrous burger covered in cheese, surrounded by a mountain of fries, but I reckon I should eat something less liable to enlarge my stomach. You have to be so careful these days with photographers in the wings of shows.
Then there’s the planet. I was amazed to hear from an Australian climate change expert that 75% of the world’s greenhouse gases are produced by just 3 countries :- India, China and the USA. Well, as Pavarotti was famous for saying, “Fuck-a-you lot!” Apparently if all 3 countries converted to hydrogen cars it would effectively put the breaks on global warming. Electric car manufacture unfortunately has a large carbon footprint. There’s a turn up for the books. So it doesn’t matter that all of Brighton’s recycled and sorted waste material ends up being buried in the same hole!
Saving the planet is obviously a massive priority, but reducing population growth would also be a good idea. (Obviously having had 5 children I’m not in the strongest position to comment on this, but seeing their contribution to the world ameliorates the guilt I might have had!)
Back to Europe. Am I going to need a visa, an EU wife, a signed picture of Mr. Junker, a rowing boat, wads of cash, a baseball bat, my old Frenchman disguise, my German teddy bear ‘Fritz’, Boris Johnson’s Book of Lies or indeed evidence of my 16th century Belgian relatives to tour Europe next year?! Who knows.
(Now back to that burger and bottle of red wine and some tiramisu and possibly a little limoncello or two…)