Back in Hamburg!
On Easter Sunday I went in search of a perfect coffee; not an easy task, because most cafes were closed. This involved walking the backstreets just off of the Reeperbahn in Hamburg. The whole area has changed so much since I first came here at the end of the 1970s. In an era where cities such as Berlin and Amsterdam are seriously in danger of becoming theme parks overrun by Trip Advisor tourists, areas previously notorious for violence and red light action have now been sanitised for the sake of the God of tourism.
Many years ago I used to frequent a cocktail bar called the Weisse Maus, which was run by a much larger than life character called Mona. She once advised me to take the easier options in life! A quick internet search revealed that the bar is still there, but has been inactive for three years.
I then realised I was within walking distance of the Grosse Freiheit. I’ve not been past the place for at least 15 years. I decided to go there. It was much grubbier than I remember – definitely a good thing! The photo above is me standing outside it.
Admittedly, this was rather early for the show we are playing there in October!