Liner notes and Spring time…
Hove on International Women’s day...
As this crazy early spring time continues there is a very exciting week in prospect. Aside from the fact that there will be very significant Brexit votes in the British parliament, my technical compadre Eric is coming over from the Netherlands with a new guitar system for me to test and it is the culmination of the six nations rugby championship!
More immediately this morning I have been working on liner notes for the ‘Swimming in Thunderstorms’ album. In yesterday‘s Sunday Observer newspaper there was an article about the new wave of ‘Woke’ folk - bands bringing back the politics into music. I noted the names of the artists that they recommended and religiously went and checked them out on Spotify. Political and social issues have always been a big part of songs on Fischer-Z records. Artists such as Billy Bragg have kept the flag flying for radical political folk. Since the 60’s era when lyrics led youth culture worldwide, (Dylan, Lennon, Morrison et al) political and social commentary has become more sophisticated and sadly much less influential. The new crop of ‘Woke Folk’ are putting forward a British contemporary version of Greenwich village 60s folk! I will check out some of them live.
At the moment we have too many songs for the album which has got to be a good thing! Also it’s very important to get things in the right order in case people still listen through old school from track 1 to 12 or indeed to 2 separate sides of vinyl! Have a good week.