Reduce deliveries for the planet…
I sat in a café patisserie this morning eating my poached eggs. During that time a number of ‘Deliveroo’ moped drivers came in to pick up paper bags containing only a couple of croissants or a coffee and pastry for some amazingly lazy bozo who clearly wants to end the world as quickly as possible!
All the laudable and much publicised enviromental initiatives seem to me to be focused mainly on time honoured targets.
Although we in Britain are arguably only an ugly pimple on the large buttocks of the polluting world, we still have an obligation to make as much noise as possible and to show some leadership.
I would be willing to bet that many of the folks out on the streets protesting about climate change receive clothes and shoes from online retailers in multiple sizes before returning the unwanteds; goods produced by exploited workers at a significant cost to the environment, packaged in cardboard and plastic and delivered by vans burning fossil fuels emitting carbon dioxide. Maybe some of them have their groceries delivered from the supermarket by more of those white vans. Although I’m not advocating an unlicensed world of electric drones, (However amusing it might be to sit at one’s bedroom window and grab passing merchandise in large fishing nets!) in the same way as charity begins at home, new methods of delivery can easily be in curtailed or restricted.
I say give the Deliveroo chappies super push bikes or electric scooters, then I can stop trying to save the planet by running them down with my 3 litre, gas guzzling, 4 wheel drive motor cruiser. (Joke)