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In my head I can hear a deep throbbing sound. I’m wondering whether it’s the blood circulating around my brain or the new tenant in the flat below experimenting with an unfamiliar heating system.
Self isolation for a single person could be compared to solitary confinement if they live in a flat without a garden and public exercise is discouraged. They only have them selves to get tetchy with. Although I suppose this is not strictly true in the era of ever burgeoning online platforms.
‘Stir Craziness’ can take many shapes and forms, but mostly it acts as an amplifier for all emotions making them more extreme and thereby perspective can get lost. Human tragedies become commonplace, amplified by the media, whilst minor personal mishaps can turn into major dramas.
If talking to yourself is an indicator of impending madness then is arguing ‘out loud’ with yourself even more serious?! I did a lot of that yesterday. (Mr. New Downstairs must be wondering what my ‘flatmate’ is doing to deserve such bad mouthing.) Sometimes it’s really hard to forgive yourself after a particularly insulting exchange!
Stay healthy and be good to yourself.