The State of Affairs
Here’s some music to accompany the read:
I should be clearing up my studio room this morning ready to work with Steve on some recordings. At the moment the room is full of bicycles, mattresses, boots, shoes and other bits and pieces and I need to transform it into a functioning working space. In the current climate of panic, I think it’s a very good idea to be out here in the sunshine chilling out with an Anzac biscuit in one hand and a flat white coffee in the other!
Seriously though, I think it’s very important for everybody to stay in a very positive frame of mind at the moment, despite the media and other sources stirring up hysteria. It would be very helpful if the government and health authorities could give accurate information and avoid scaremongering. Obviously people need to be reassured that the right measures have been taken to best combat what is obviously going to be a major pandemic.
So here are a few positive things that could come out of this unfortunate situation:-
Firstly everyone needs to work together and this may put the brakes on the further development of the selfish society. It would be great if more kindness and compassion came back into fashion – How’s that for a snappy line?!
Secondly, Donald Trump’s only big card is he claims to be the savior of the world economy. A devastated world economy will hopefully put pay to his power and his inhuman ideas. Putting Mike Pence in charge of dealing with this epidemic in the United States, given his fundamentalist believes, could well issue a death warrant to a large number of Americans.
Thirdly, however much money you make And however many people you stomp on is not going to increase your immunity to this virus. It knows no barriers of race, class, wealth or anything else. So this will maybe make people a little more conscious of really important things like the value of human life, the reality of climate change and our connection with all the other human beings on the planet
Finally, this is an amazing illustration of the negative effects of globalization. Maybe it will make people think about self-sufficiency without isolationism, the importance of cooperation and maybe even make society see more kindness and compassion and consideration is good for all of us?!