WO No.1

#WattsOccurring? No.1

In the cafe…

Using my name and also as a tribute to one of my favourite urban philosophers, Nessa of Gavin and Stacey fame, I’m going to start communicating in a bloggish way with yous!! I don’t yet how often I’m going to do this and it may come in the form of written word, audio and pics - even the odd video.

I’ve usually steered clear of sharing pictures of my breakfast, outlining the route of my latest bicycle journey, or commenting on popular TV shows. Like everyone else I have strong opinions on things cultural, political, sporty and stylish, but I’m much too lazy to contribute a regular column or serious blog. 

Many things I write will be trite, childish and mundane, but that doesn’t seem to have stopped most other bloggers. I do use a number of swear words. Although I’ve had an education, no amount of eloquent sentences can replace the succinct beauty of “For fuck sake!” or just plain “Bollocks!” I’ve noticed that even my most accomplished journalist friends are not averse to dropping the odd ‘penis’ into their learned paragraphs - And why not? 

I also hope to also involve/interview some of my friends and other people I admire.

In the cafe this morning :-

On politics - I was mainly laughing about tomorrow’s vote in Westminster on ‘Dancing Theresa’s’ EU deal. (By the way do you all think she should guest as Mrs.Burns in the Simpsons?) My view is that despite a few parliamentarians growing some balls, the vote will be extremely close and the reality buffer has yet to stop Brexit in all but name only. But it will come. Nobody gets away long-term with denying facts and truth - Not even Dismal Donald. Incidentally what’s happened to that old American democratic institution known as rub out the president and blame the Mafia, FBI, Putin’s plastic surgeon, Sundar Pichai or even KFC? Come on you Americans!

On music - I was enjoying some Bad Bunny with my poached eggs, especially the track with animal noises at the front. Then I was marvelling at the power and energy of my favourite millennial Chilli Peppers tracks. My listening was cut short when I dropped half my space pen into my flat white. I bloody love good coffee made for me in a cafe!

if you have any comments or questions for me then I will be pleased to hear them - probably!


(I write in places like this!)